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Cantina delle Vigne di Piero Mancini – Olbia

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Saccaia – IGT Colli del Limbara

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A wine for connoisseurs. Its softness is its most eloquent trait while it also keeps the strength of the grape mix. It’s a wine with its own history that, thanks to its unique characteristics, is very appreciated by connoisseurs.

Classification: IGT Colli del Limbara.
Vinification: on skins.
Organoleptic properties: intense red colour that tends towards garnet; full-bodied and warm wine.
Alcohol by volume: 13.5%.
Acidity: 4.8 g/l.
Sugar: 2 g/l.
Food pairing: red roast meats and cheeses.
Serving temperature: 16 – 18 °C.

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