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Cantina delle Vigne di Piero Mancini – Olbia

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Scalapetra – IGT Colli del Limbara

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To highlight its origins, the Mancini family decided to give this extraordinary wine the name of one of the first vines of the farm. The skilful dosage takes unique grape traits, combining them in a harmonious and incomparable agreement.

Classification: IGT Colli del Limbara.
Vinification: on skins.
Organoleptic properties: .3intense red colour that tends towards garnet with purple flashes. It is characterised by an intense and vinous scent with hints of fruits of the forest and vanilla notes. Smooth, refined, dry, savoury, rightly tannic taste.
Alcohol by volume: 13.5%.
Acidity: 4.8 g/l.
Sugar: 2 g/l.
Food pairing: excellent with cured meats, grilled meat, red roast meats and mature cheeses.
Serving temperature: 18 °C.

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